We get dirty to keep your fuel clean

We are proud to be an experienced, local, and family-owned fuel polishing service based in North Carolina.  We strive to offer customers an affordable and groundbreaking fuel polishing service .

Our Services

Micro Fuel Polishing is a high-quality fuel polishing service. We provide our customers with routine or specialized quality fuel filtration. We aim to enhance our customer’s revenue and minimize their fuel-related complications by isolating and targeting problem regions along the bottom of the tank. We direct a specialized probe along the entirety of the tank separating the fuel from biomaterial, rust, and water, straining and filtering all fuel to 10 microns. We return only polished problem-free fuel to our customer. Micro Fuel Polishing, LLC utilizes a revolutionary tank sweeping probe that no other polishing service currently has. We use the probe to identify and eliminate problem spots while also providing a treatment service upon need.